Recently I have been working in managing Cloudstack at my work. Cloudstack uses 3 types of system VMs for its operation.
1. SSVM - Secondary storage VM: This VM basically mounts the secondary storage which is used for templates, snapshots, ISO for cloudstack.
2. CP - Console Proxy VM: This VM is used basically to view the console (Type of VNC View) of the machine as it is not a physical machine and for access off VM if network is unreachable.
3. VR - Virtual Router:This VM is generated when any account user creates a VM and every VM requires a network, which secures network of that account and access to VMs of that particular user. It also provides DHCP services to make that VM traffic reach the WWW and vice verse.
We continuously require access to these VM mostly VR and SSVM for different debugging (will be updating blog about cloudstack extensively) and for operations.
To access these VMs we need to access the Host they are in which we can find from VMs details
1. SSVM - Secondary storage VM: This VM basically mounts the secondary storage which is used for templates, snapshots, ISO for cloudstack.
2. CP - Console Proxy VM: This VM is used basically to view the console (Type of VNC View) of the machine as it is not a physical machine and for access off VM if network is unreachable.
3. VR - Virtual Router:This VM is generated when any account user creates a VM and every VM requires a network, which secures network of that account and access to VMs of that particular user. It also provides DHCP services to make that VM traffic reach the WWW and vice verse.
We continuously require access to these VM mostly VR and SSVM for different debugging (will be updating blog about cloudstack extensively) and for operations.
To access these VMs we need to access the Host they are in which we can find from VMs details
we can find the details of host as well as the link local IP from which we can access without the need of password by going in infrastructure -> System VM or Virtual Router and details will be displayed as above.
Simply access the host in which VM is and run following command:
ssh -i /root/.ssh/ -p 3922 root@169.254.x.x
Where x.x refers to IP which changes from time to time but first two octets are same always.!
After running the above command it will not ask for any username and password and VM can be accessed through this command.
(Hope it Helps !)
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